Grateful for Friends & Family!

We are very blessed with amazing family and friends! With our move to Arizona, we have noticed the importance of those relationships in our lives. We’re trying to establish ourselves in the ‘East Valley’ Gilbert, AZ community, but it’s a slow establishment…some days I’ve felt like putting an ad for friends in the classifieds :/

Please note, we are very thankful for our friends that already live out here…my sister & fam have been a blast to hang out with, my bro & fam is only an hour away, my newly engaged & close friend from BIOLA is a gem, and of course our co-workers have become friends to us :) but we have however missed the rest of our families and friends from home...

Our loved ones have remedied this loss with their visits...

Mom and Pops Mercer, as well as Mom and Buff (pictured above at Brio) have made it out several times! We always enjoy ourselves! Mom came out to help me one weekend when Drew had the swine flu, and she taught me all of her genie tricks in cleaning...boy do I have a lot to learn!

The Popkes Unit, Mark and Alyssa, one of our closest couple friends (Picture at Cafe Rio in Gilbert) visited for Halloween weekend!

Mr. Rob Johnson, and cute girlfriend, Erin, along with my fab Maid of Honor, Miss. Caitlin Holliday came out for Thanksgiving week...we played pin the Gobbler on the Turkey!

Daddy, Rhonda, Chase, Zach, my aunt, Tori, and her hubby Scott visited for Christmas! We actually went on a helicopter ride over the grand canyon!

My sister Sam and bro-in-law Spencer came out for New Years!

As much as we have loved these visits and clearly had a blast, we dread the goodbyes...and facing the reality that we can't just grab coffee with them on a weekly or even monthly basis is pretty depressing!

But today we celebrate! As of today, our good friends, Kevin and Kelli Dillon are officially living in Phoenix! We are SO excited about this! They arrived today...and not wanting to wait any longer, we stopped by Kelli’s brother’s house tonight to welcome them! After the boys moved a couple things around, we all went out to dinner for buffalo wings and yogurt, laughs and chats. We had a blast, and we've already planned our weekly idol parties & pot lucks...YES! So excited! Yay for more friends in Phoenix!

Hey, all you friends or family that may be reading this, i love you, and enjoy every moment spent with you :) Let's do it more often, yeah? xoxo

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